I received an error while trying to pay my bill.
If you received an error while trying to pay your bill, you may need to
- Try reconnecting your payment method by going into your payment settings
- Re-try your payment with a new payment method
- Verify that your account balance is sufficient and retry your payment once funds have settled
- Contact your bank or card issuer to ensure there is not a block on the payment
I received an error while adding my payment method.
If you received an error while adding a payment method, you may need to
- Verify the details of your payment method to make sure they are correct, and try again
- Try adding a different payment method
- Contact your bank or card issuer to verify the status of your account
If you're still having trouble resolving these errors, please email us at help@sunboundhomes.com or give us a call at 623-263-9162 for assistance.